I’m at Droidcon London!


I found out recently that I’ll be speaking at Droidcon London. It’s going to be my first Android conference I’ve attended and I’m excited that I’ll get to share the stage with so many other great speakers.

For those of you wondering what my talk is going to be about. I’m going to be sharing my thoughts about developing for the darker cousin of Android, that being iOS! As a mobile engineer who spends plenty of time building iOS and Android apps, I’ve seen plenty of ideas swapped between the two platforms.

I can’t think of a better time for any Android engineer who wanted to expand their skill set through iOS development. There is so much cross transferable knowledge that the learning curve is minimal to get something together. All it takes is a little bit of persistence to get used to the tools and pick up that new fancy language.

Whilst I’m not busy trying to persuade the masses to develop for another platform I’ll be looking to learn some new things myself. I’m hoping to attend the talk given by Huyen Tue Dao about the new layout editor in Android Studio and the new ConstraintLayout.

I’m a massive fan of creating visually appealing layouts and transitions, it looks Benjamin Weiss and his talk on Android API Transitions will be on my list too.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Android. It was the first mobile platform I worked with and I always struggle to answer the first question people ask me when they find out I develop for both iOS and Android.

What is your favourite platform?

Android development is exciting, there’s no denying it and each year it gets even more so. My most anticipated feature for Android is the introduction of Google Daydream in the autumn. VR is still in its infancy and the ability to bring the experience to peoples mobile devices is no small feat. I’ll be keeping an on this for sure!

If you are attending Droidcon London be sure to reach out or say hello to me during the conference. I’ll be looking to meet as many of you as I can and enjoy being part of the community!